Ecological State

You have surely heard the slogan Wild Beauty, which is used for presentation of Montenegro as tourism destination throughout the world? Then you should know that this slogan is motivated by the nature of north of Montenegro, where on geographically quite small area you can find the deepest canyon in Europe, the oldest virgin forest, caves, glacier lakes, streams and rivers, mountainous so beautiful that the view of them will leave you breathless. Nature has been really generous when north of Montenegro is concerned, so it is no wonder that here you will find three national parks, each different and special and uniquely beautiful.

You have surely heard that Montenegro has been declared ecological state? If you have, and if you have visited Montenegro, then you have seen for yourself that this is a deceit which creates unrealistic expectations among potential visitors. Unfortunately, Montenegro is nowhere near ecological state, and despite the gems of nature that we are extremely proud of, one of the first impressions you will have when you arrive will be waste, garbage, uncontrolled exploitation of forests and gravel, illegal killing of wild animals, illegal construction. Despite strict regulations and laws, this is the real picture out in the field. And there are several reasons for this – low level of awareness among local population regarding importance of preservation of our environment, insufficient quality of implementation of said regulations, lack of funds for proper waste disposal, often corruption. Even national parks, that should theoretically be under strict protection, often face these problems.

So, if you decide to travel to Montenegro because you want to try biking, hiking, rafting, fly-fishing – do not come with the expectation of ecological state. Come with the knowledge that we have many problems, that we work hard to resolve them, and that fortunately, when you leave inhabited area and start going higher into the mountains, you WILL find the wild beauty from the beginning of this story. It does exist, we just often hide it with waste.

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