Bandera from Starac

Starac is a mountain that belongs to the Plav part of Prokletije and is located at the border with Kosovo. The ridge of Starac has been shaped by the nature in the form of a horseshoe whose left arm (Mladic) starts from a large fur tree complex Babina gora, and the right arm (Little Starac) rises slowly from the direction of the ridge Dio, while the head of the ridge rises high and steeply above the BABINOPOLJSKA valley, which in the distance ends with beautiful Bogićevia and at the top of it Hridski krs. Inside the horseshoe there is a large terraced cirque rich with water with visible traces of glacial erosion. The crescendo of this enchanting natural composition are two peaks that grow out of the central part of the ridge – Bandera (2426m) at the center, and right from it a slightly lower peak of Starac (2352m).

Starac can be reached by hiking trails from several directions: from Babino Polje, from the village Meteh, by border ridge from the direction of Pasji vrh, from Bjluha or Boluga, from Cakor pass.

In the summer months Čakor Pass (1859m) is an easy and a good start for this tour. It starts from Murino, with a century old road route going to Pec, through the village of Velika, with numerous serpentines that take you up to the second highest road pass in Montenegro. Riding or driving these parts is in itself an attraction and beautifully complements this pedestrian story.

From the Cakor pass there is a visible trail that leads south, through the pastures, and elevates gently to Ravno brdo (2040m) offering a beautiful view of the environment and a complete Starac ridge. It continues down a steep grassy slope over Djevojacki krs to the ridge Dio (1915m), and then through the pine forest out on the right arm of the horseshoe (Mali Starac) where the ridge reaches the both peaks.

From Bandera and Starac there is a breathtaking view of almost the entire Prokletije, the Babinopoljska valley, Babina gora, Čakor and surrounding mountains Planinica, Vaganica and Stit, Visitor and at some distance Komovi and Hajla.

There are plenty of sources of drinking water here. The first is on the saddle Čakor and others are located along the trail.

This is an easy and relaxing route to unjustly neglected region that for its beauty does not lag behind other well  known hiking destinations in the region. Two respectable peaks, natural beauty and many summer pastures and katuns everywhere around guarantee a nice mountain experience.

NOTE: The trail is not marked.

Exploration of this trail has been supported by National Tourism Organisation of Montenegro.

GPS track (research of this area and the return through the glacial cirque)




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